

What will your business site be?

(for an artist site, click here )

Since I work with you to create a website that aesthetically and conceptually complements your work, instead of using a stock template, I'll need some information to get started. For an accurate quote, please fill out the form below. Fill out as much as you can, we can always answer questions together.
*You can also email me at a@semaphorestudios.com with questions/ideas or to set up a meeting to discuss your site.*


Your Web Site

Reasons for Site Design

Type of site (check all that apply)

Features of site (check all that apply)


Media that you will provide (check all that apply)



Semaphore Studios can create a Content Management System that allows you to input information for automatic updates of the site without HTML and FTP complications. Alternatively, Semaphore Studios can take care of updates through a maintenance plan. Are you interested in either of these possibilities?